My freeCodeCamp certificates
My Sites
- Color Mixer - find an intermediate color between two colors.
- Square Root Formula Visualizer - see square root calculation step-by-step.
- Base 60 Clock - a new concise date/time format.
- DiceDice - for more variety - get a random page from Wikimedia projects.
- Chess Vizualization Quiz - check your knowledge of the chessboard.
- Polyglot Zobrist Key Generator - hash key generator for chess engine authors.
- Bible Chapter - select a random Bible book, chapter or verse
- Luchok - a fantasy console based on Chip-8
Profiles on other sites
- - my games
My files
Pixel Vision 8 System Templates
- CGASystem - A system template for Pixel Vision 8, inspired by CGA resolution and palette.
- ZXSystem - A system template for Pixel Vision 8, inspired by ZX Spectrum resolution, palette and font.
- DB16System - A system template for Pixel Vision 8 which uses DawnBringer's 16 color palette.
My Pico-8 Games

Red vs. Blue Tic-Tac-Toe

A Printer